Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Knowing Which Coupons Are "Good Ones"

With all of the coupons that come in the papers on Sunday, it can be overwhelming for a new couponer, or really any couponer. I have the bad habit of just cutting out the ones I really want, and pitching the rest... only to find a week later that I had thrown out coupons I could have used. If you're throwing multiple coupons out--this could be happening to you. Here are a few tips to knowing what kind of coupons to keep, (the ones you throw out are really at your own discretion...)

1. Stick with what you know. Many people develop "favorite" coupons, if you have favorites of your own, keep those!
2. Most stores have common items that go on sale for 10/$10 all the time, with that being said, keep an eye out for $.50c/1 coupons for those things for possible free stuff!
-Power Bars 
-Tooth Paste
-Angel Soft Toilet Paper
-Frozen Vegetables, etc.
3.High dollar coupons that can possibly double high enough to make your groceries cheap or even free. Ex: a $.75/1 coupon for something that's usually around $2. Coupon would double to $1.50 off of $2, making your total $.50.
4. Coupons that have a long "shelf-life", basically coupons that don't expire for a few months. It gives you a longer time to wait it out and see what the store ads are since they change every week. You may not be able to use that coupon the week you clip it, but it may be a crucial part of your next shopping trip the following week. 

It pays to do your research online prior to your shopping trips. Even if you're not an "extreme couponer", and just do most of your shopping at Walmart, you can get super cheap and FREE stuff at Walmart all the time with the high dollar coupons that wouldn't double at other stores! Any money saved with coupons is more money saved than if you hadn't bothered with them in the first place :) 

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